Zorislav R. Leyderman has successfully handled multiple excessive force cases against various police agencies throughout the State of Minnesota. Whether it’s a rural Sheriff’s Office or a large metropolitan agency such as the Minneapolis Police Department, Zorislav R. Leyderman has the skills, experience, and passion for justice to expose bad cops and hold them accountable.
Zorislav R. Leyderman is never shy to shed light on the abuses that often go on behind prison walls or to expose the cover-ups that occur when an inmate is seriously injured or dies in custody. If you have lost a loved one in a Minnesota jail or prison, or if you’re a victim of jail/prison abuse or neglect, Zorislav R. Leyderman has what it takes to get you answers and obtain justice.
Zorislav R. Leyderman has years of experience when it comes to getting compensation for wrongful convictions, false arrests, and fighting for innocent people wrongfully accused of crimes. If you have spent time in prison for a crime you did not commit, or if you were illegally arrested or jailed by the police, Zorislav can get you justice and compensation for the time stolen away from you and your family.
Minnesota Police Brutality and Jail/Prison Misconduct Lawyer
Protecting the People
Minnesota civil rights lawyer, Zorislav R. Leyderman, has dedicated his professional career to protecting people who have been victimized and railroaded by the government and law enforcement officials and then left behind to fend for themselves. He has handled numerous high-profile police brutality and jail abuse cases that were later publicized by the local and national news media. Zorislav R. Leyderman has also exposed major cover-ups and misconduct that resulted in policy changes and even state law changes intended to protect victims of police violence and inmates serving time in Minnesota jails and prisons. Zorislav R. Leyderman has a long history of challenging laws that are designed to protect police officers and law enforcement officials. He also has a proven track record of relentlessly fighting for each of his clients to ensure that they receive full and meaningful compensation rather than a quick settlement to quietly go away.
Experience Matters
Zorislav R. Leyderman has years of experience handling cases involving police brutality, jail/prison abuse, and other civil rights violations. He has successfully sued large metropolitan agencies such as the Minneapolis Police Department, St. Paul Police Department, Ramsey County Sheriff’s Department, and Hennepin County Sheriff’s Department. At the same time, he has taken on and won numerous cases against various police and jail agencies in rural Minnesota where finding a local attorney to go against law enforcement is often nearly impossible. Because of his extensive experience, Zorislav R. Leyderman knows every trap the government lawyers will throw at you in an effort to deprive you of your day in court. And, because of the volume of cases he has handled, Zorislav R. Leyderman has seen first-hand how far the government will go to protect its own. Unmatched experience combined with fearless determination for justice is what stands Zorislav R. Leyderman apart as a Minnesota civil rights attorney.
Fighting for Your Rights
Zorislav R. Leyderman has built a reputation for taking on tough, high-risk cases for victims of police brutality and jail/prison abuse who were unable to find help or anyone to even listen to their story. He has proudly represented and achieved justice and compensation for people of color, children, elderly, immigrants, people with disabilities, people struggling with mental illness, homeless people, and many others who have been historically marginalized and oppressed by our society. When you are abused and victimized by government officials who have teams of lawyers with unlimited resources, and when you are up against a system that is designed to protect itself and keep you in the ditch, you need a lawyer who has passion for justice and willingness to fight for your rights with everything that it takes.
Passion for Justice
Everyone is entitled to basic civil rights, regardless of the color of your skin, the choice of your partner, the money in your bank account, the level of education you have achieved or the criminal record you have. It does not matter whether you are a student, a teacher, a police officer, a prisoner, a mother or a child – we all are entitled to liberty and justice. Unfortunately, in our society, people are not treated equally and many of us face injustice every day. Zorislav R. Leyderman is committed to making sure that all people are treated equally and fairly under the law. No matter your background, criminal history, or financial situation, police brutality attorney Zorislav R. Leyderman will make sure that you are treated with dignity and respect and that your voice will be heard. If you have been a victim of police brutality, jail/prison misconduct, or other civil rights violations, contact Minnesota civil rights lawyer Zorislav R. Leyderman at 612-876-6626 for a free and confidential consultation.
Excessive Force By Police
Just because a police officer has a badge and a uniform does not give him the right to do whatever he wants. In many instances, a police officer will act out in a way that is not only unnecessary but also illegal. It is important to understand your civil rights when you get into a confrontation with an officer. Zorislav R. Leyderman, Attorney at Law, offers his services to anyone facing police misconduct including:

Jail or Prison Misconduct
People who are incarcerated in Minnesota jails and prisons are entitled to constitutional protections and humane treatment and medical care. Just because you are behind bars does not mean that you do not have rights. Zorislav R. Leyderman is a trusted Minnesota jail/prison misconduct lawyer who has worked with numerous victims and families impacted by jail/prison abuse and neglect. Zorislav R. Leyderman can help you with all aspects of jail/prison misconduct and abuse including:
If you have been wrongfully convicted or spent time in jail or prison for a crime you did not commit, you deserve compensation and aggressive legal representation. Zorislav R. Leyderman can help you with any instances involving wrongful convictions or false arrest, including:

Zorislav R. Leyderman can also help you with: