Prisoner Rights Lawyer

Even if you are in jail or prison, whether awaiting your trial or completing a sentence, you still have constitutional rights. Contrary to what is shown in the movies, prison guards and police officers cannot do whatever they want to you. They cannot attack you, abuse you or harm you in any way unless there is just reason to do so. If you feel that your rights as a prisoner are being abused, then make the right call to a Minnesota civil rights lawyer today.

Zorislav R. Leyderman is a trusted Minnesota civil rights lawyer that has worked with numerous victims facing all levels of police misconduct, including concerns involving prisoner rights. Just because you are behind bars does not mean you do not have rights.  If you feel like you have been a victim of jail or prison neglect and abuse, then contact Zorislav R. Leyderman, Attorney at Law, at 612-876-6626 today.


Prisons operate on a strict routine. You may have to spend most of your days in your holding cell with a brief break for exercise. You will have set meals and set visitation times. You will also have a set time to make a phone call. Use your phone call wisely and contact Minnesota civil rights lawyer Zorislav R. Leyderman today. He will fight for you on the outside and make sure that your voice is heard.

Every prison is different but your prisoner rights remain the same. You are still a human and thus are entitled to basic human rights, no matter what. Some of the rights you are entitled to include:

  • The right to communicate
  • The right to read basic material
  • The right to medical care
  • The right to adequate food and water
  • The right to clothing and shelter
  • The right to practice any religion
  • The right to sue prison officials or the government for maltreatment


There are several instances that classify as jail abuse and neglect, including:

  • Failure to prevent a suicide
  • Sexual abuse by a prison guard or inmate
  • Verbal abuse, taunting, and name calling
  • Discrimination
  • Physical abuse
  • Neglect of prisoner rights including visitations
  • Neglecting to provide meals and exercise time
  • Unlawful detainment
  • Failure to react to assault or rape of other prisoners
  • Failure to take the necessary steps to stop prisoners from being victimized by other prisoners
  • Providing insufficient treatment for medical conditions
  • Refusing freedom of expression and communication
  • Denying access to the law library and other reading materials
  • Punishing prisoners that complain

If you act out in prison, you may face stricter punishments. Even if a prison guard provokes you, it is important to remain calm and speak to your lawyer about what you can do. Acting out violently will only make matters worse and may give the prison guard a reason to harm you. Although it can be hard to walk away and take the abuse, the sooner you contact a Minnesota prisoner rights lawyer, the closer you are to obtaining legal justice.


Just because you are in prison does not mean you don’t have a voice. Let Zorislav R. Leyderman, Attorney at Law, be your voice on the outside and help you out of this nightmare.

Contact Minnesota civil rights lawyer Zorislav R. Leyderman today at 612-876-6626 to discuss your rights as a prisoner or inmate.