Zorislav R. Leyderman has successfully handled multiple excessive force cases against various police agencies throughout the State of Minnesota. Whether it’s a rural Sheriff’s Office or a large metropolitan agency such as the Minneapolis Police Department, Zorislav R. Leyderman has the skills, experience, and passion for justice to expose bad cops and hold them accountable.
Wrongful Death by Police
If you have lost a loved one to police violence and brutality, call today to set up a free consultation. Zorislav R. Leyderman can help you get answers about what happened and fight for justice and accountability for your loved one and your family.
Police Brutality and Misconduct
Zorislav R. Leyderman has years of experience handling police brutality and misconduct cases, and he has successfully sued multiple law enforcement agencies throughout the State of Minnesota. Call today to learn about your rights and legal options.
Police Shootings and Deadly Force
Police deadly force includes shootings, chokeholds, use of dangerous weapons, and deadly strikes to the head. If you have been shot by a police officer or subjected to other forms of deadly force, call today for a free consultation about your rights.
Police Dog Attacks
Police officers use strong and powerful dogs (K-9s) that can cause serious physical harm, permanent disabilities, and even death. Zorislav R. Leyderman has extensive experience with cases involving illegal police K-9 attacks and he can help you get compensation for your injuries.
Police officers must use Tasers responsibly and only in limited circumstances. Unfortunately, Tasers are overused and can result in serious physical and psychological injuries. If you have been tased by a police officer during a stop or arrest, call today to discuss your legal rights and options.
Zorislav R. Leyderman is never shy to shed light on the abuses that often go on behind prison walls or to expose the cover-ups that occur when an inmate is seriously injured or dies in custody. If you have lost a loved one in a Minnesota jail or prison, or if you’re a victim of jail/prison abuse or neglect, Zorislav R. Leyderman has what it takes to get you answers and obtain justice.
Wrongful Death in Jail or Prison
If you have lost a loved one in jail or prison, Zorislav R. Leyderman knows how to promptly recover all of the evidence and expose the truth about what happened. Call today to start an immediate investigation and to get justice for your loved one and their family.
Medical Abuse and Neglect
Inmates and incarcerated individuals are entitled to quality medical care while they are detained in jail or prison. Zorislav R. Leyderman has successfully sued multiple Minnesota county jails and state prisons for medical abuse and neglect. Call today for a free consultation.
Drug/Alcohol Withdrawal
Jails are legally required to provide medical care for inmates experiencing symptoms associated with drug or alcohol withdrawal. If you have been in jail and were not provided treatment for drug/alcohol withdrawal, contact Zorislav R. Leyderman to discuss your case.
Inmate Suicide
Jail inmates often struggle with mental illness which sometimes leads to suicide attempts. Jails are required to provide adequate suicide screening and protection. If you or a loved one experienced an in-custody suicide attempt, call today to discuss your case and legal options.
Inmate Sexual Assault
Zorislav R. Leyderman has extensive experience handling cases involving sexual abuse of jail/prison inmates by staff or by other inmates. If you have been sexually abused while in custody, contact Zorislav R. Leyderman for a free and confidential consultation about your rights.
Inmate Assault and Excessive Force
Zorislav R. Leyderman has successfully represented numerous victims who were physically abused by facility staff or other inmates. Call today if you were assaulted by another inmate while in custody or if you were subjected to excessive force by facility staff.
Zorislav. R. Leyderman has years of experience when it comes to getting compensation for wrongful convictions and false arrest. If you have spent time in prison for a crime you did not commit, or if you were illegally arrested or jailed by the police, Zorislav R. Leyderman can get you justice and compensation for the time stolen away from you and your family.
Zorislav R. Leyderman has extensive experience handling cases involving wrongful convictions. We can help you clear your name and get compensation for the time wrongfully spent in prison. Call Zorislav R. Leyderman today to learn more about the legal process and how to get started.
Zorislav R. Leyderman has recovered compensation for numerous clients who had been illegally arrested or jailed for a crime they did not commit and he has successfully sued numerous Minnesota police agencies for false arrest. Call today for a free consultation about your rights.
Criminal Defense
Zorislav R. Leyderman is an experienced criminal defense attorney and he will fight aggressively for your freedom and constitutional rights. If you are facing misdemeanor or felony criminal charges, call today for a free consultation about your case and to discuss a successful defense strategy.
Racial Profiling
Even though racial profiling is illegal, the practice continues through the use of pretext traffic stops, false criminal accusations, and racial discrimination. If you have experienced racial profiling or discrimination during a police encounter, contact us today to discuss your case and legal options.
Other Areas
Zorislav R. Leyderman is committed to obtaining justice for his clients. Click the links below to learn more about how he can help you with your legal needs or call 612-876-6626 for a free initial consultation.