Minnesota Public Accommodation Discrimination Lawyer

Public accommodation discrimination refers to the denial of access of fair treatment in a place of public accommodation. This includes any place where goods or services are sold including restaurants, cafes, hotels, bus stations, taxi stands, airport terminals, salons, bars, nightclubs, professional offices, concert halls, sports arenas, museums, theatres, retail stores, shopping centers, hospitals, clinics, swimming pools, health clubs, parks and campsites. Public accommodation discrimination is highly illegal across the state of Minnesota and should not be tolerated in any social setting.

If you have been a victim of public accommodation discrimination, then contact Minnesota discrimination lawyer, Zorislav R. Leyderman for a free consultation about your case. He will be able to help you understand your rights and offer professional and confidential service. Contact Zorislav R. Leyderman at 612-876-6626 today to see how he can help.

Discrimination in Public Accommodations

Public accommodation discrimination happens in a number of social settings. Being denied access into a nightclub because it is ‘full’ but then seeing someone else allowed in is a typical example of public accommodation discrimination. Being denied service at a restaurant because you are disabled or are of a certain race or color is another example. Being denied a bed in a hotel because you are suspected to be HIV positive is another example of public accommodation discrimination. All of these go against the basic Human Rights Act and are against the law.

Instances of Public Accommodation Discrimination

Public accommodation discrimination includes discrimination against someone due to their:

  • Ethnicity or race
  • Sex or gender
  • Religion
  • National origin
  • Ancestry
  • Disability
  • Sexual orientation

Handling Public Accommodation Discrimination

If you are denied admission into any public place, then you are probably feeling a whirlwind of emotions from rage and resentment to embarrassment. You should not have to walk away from this situation feeling bad. It is important that you speak up against acts of public accommodation discrimination so it does not happen to someone else down the road. The best way to do this is by contacting a Minnesota discrimination lawyer to learn about your legal options and civil rights.

Contact a Public Accommodation Discrimination Lawyer

Zorislav R. Leyderman, Attorney at Law, has experience working with discrimination cases and works hard to ensure that every individual is offered equal rights. If you have been a victim of public accommodation discrimination, then you do not have to walk away from the situation and do nothing.

You can contact Zorislav R. Leyderman at 612-876-6626 to discuss your case and find out what you can do to ensure this type of injustice is stopped. He offers a free case evaluation and initial consultation where you will experience his dedication, compassion and extensive knowledge in public accommodation discrimination.