All people have the right to their own privacy and to live without defamation, slander or libel. If you believe that your privacy is being invaded or if you have been a victim of defamation of character and malicious false words being spoken or written about you, then you may be looking at a case of a civil lawsuit. Defamation and invasion of privacy are against the law and should not be tolerated in our society. If you are a victim of defamation, slander, libel or invasion of privacy, contact Minnesota civil rights lawyer Zorislav R. Leyderman today at 612-876-6626.
Invasion of Privacy Laws
Invasion of privacy can encompass a wide variety of criminal behavior but usually refers to a person’s right to be left alone by the media. Invasion of privacy also refers to a person’s right to be left alone in the privacy of his/her home or other private area. This includes the person’s private property and personal space.
Invasion of privacy lawsuits are often filed against tabloids, newspapers and other media companies rather than private citizens. However, there have been known cases where the privacy of one individual was invaded by another individual. Either way, with the right invasion of privacy lawyer in your corner, you can get the justice you deserve and protect your name and your privacy from these illegal acts.
Minnesota Defamation Laws
Defamation refers to the act of having your name and character tarnished due to slander or libel. Libel is a legal term used to describe written defamation. Slander is a legal term used to describe spoken defamation. Libel and slander are both against the law. There is a big difference when it comes to truth and defamation. This line is crossed all the time; however, this does not make it right. You have the right to live your life free of defamation and to protect your character and reputation from lies.
Stand up for Injustice
You may think that you can’t do anything about invasion of privacy and defamation but this is not the case. Everyone is entitled to protection of their privacy, regardless of their name or their story. By contacting a Minnesota civil rights lawyer, you are taking a big step towards stopping invasion of privacy and proving that this behavior is not tolerable. If you are facing any invasion of privacy or defamation violation, Zorislav R. Leyderman, Attorney at Law, can offer you extensive knowledge in this area and aggressive legal representation.
Protecting your Privacy
We all have basic rights that often need to be protected. We have the right to fair treatment; we have the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion; and we have the right to our own privacy. If you are facing any invasion of privacy violation, then contact Zorislav R. Leyderman, Minnesota’s trusted civil rights lawyer for a free consultation about your legal rights.
Contact Zorislav R. Leyderman, the Minnesota civil rights attorney you can trust to restore your name and reputation, at 612-876-6626.